Copenhagen Central Station

      Copenhagen Central Station was recently equipped with 24 P-5 wash lights with the goal to make it more welcoming for its approximately 100,000 daily visitors.


The contractor on the project was Matrix Sales ApS with Urs Friis-Alstrup as the project manager responsible for budgeting, product selection and programming. The mission was to light up the arched ceilings of the more than 100 years old railway station which consists of two 100 meters long halls; each with more than 20 meters to the ceiling.


The halls are carried out in architecture and craftsmanship of the early 1900s in dark green and red colours which causes the visitor experience to be very dark and gloomy – especially during the winter. Therefore, the challenge was to create an installation with respect for and preservation of the originality of the building construction.


Friis-Alstrup explains the reasons for choosing SGM’s P-5s: “We wanted to use a product with a high IP-rating, as the environment inside Copenhagen Central Station is rather rough in relations to dust and droppings from the many pigeons inside the halls. At the same time, the client also prioritised a Danish solution and the fact that we could enlighten so many square meters, using relatively few units due the latest LED technology." He adds; “Personally, my own favourite feature of the P-5 is its simple construction and design. This in itself has made many prefer the P-5 compared to other wash lights on the market.”


The key focus was to keep the lamps themselves invisible so that it was only the lighting effect, the visitors would actually be able to see. The solution was to mount the P-5s on the rooftops the shop buildings that are located in four areas inside of the halls. All 24 units are individually mounted on a floor stand, which is provided an accessory, and screwed onto the foundation through the four holes in its base. This placement means that the fixtures themselves are almost hidden to the daily visitors who can now enjoy the beautiful ceilings and their construction patterns and rafts. For daily lighting primary colour use is white. However, several colours are programmed into the system for the client to choose between different mood settings for instance during Christmas or for special events.


“The client is very happy with the result and is already considering to implement additional light installations. With the P-5’s we have definitely achieved the desired effect to the fullest”, Friis-Alstrup concludes contentedly.