Katy B: Crying For No Reason

      120 x 2-meter long LT-200 3D pixel tubes, accompanied by 60 of SGM’s ILD controllers and a lot of SGM extension cable were brought to use providing dynamic lighting to enable British chart topping artiste Katy B to make the video promoting of her single, Crying For No Reason.

      Said Jacob Swan-Hyam, producer at RSA Blackdog, “The tubes added great depth to the video bringing what would traditionally be 2D video out into the space, and allowing the camera to track in through the tubes.”

      Toby Shipway, Blueprint’s SGM technician, added that the SGM LT range of products are incredibly bright for their compact size but still have the finesse to work at much lower intensities making them suitable for film and television work. “Crying for No Reason was filmed using less than 25% of the tubes’ potential power,” he notes.

     Madrix was a natural choice to control the 60,000 DMX channels in a 3D patch, allowing creation of the 3D content and effects in real time to suit the creative vision. Toby used multiple layers to build up the effects to the required density, ensuring sufficient coverage over the large work space.