Vem Ai – TV show

      Spectrun Design e Iluminação are the design masterminds behind the Brazilian TV show on Rede Globo named Clip Vem Aí. With a challenge of a cyclorama screen as background, the design team previously spent many hours and multiple lighting units to obtain the right atmosphere, but by introducing the SGM P-5 LED wash light their troubles were solved.


Lighting designer from Spectrun Design e Iluminação, Marcos Olivio, quickly saw the creative potential of the P-5s, and realised this was the perfect fixture for the job. “We now have a lot of light - even without spots on the show. The P-5 creates perfect light uniformity around the white screen”, he states.


Olivio explains that for TV recording the P-5 worked amazingly with the ARRI Alexa cameras, which displayed the colour nuances and intensity to perfection. “The challenge is always to find the best environment in which to optimise the lighting. In this particular case it was to make the big screen change colour with focus on uniformity. Whoever works with cycloramas knows the difficulty in finding equipment to match with it.”


With a 5-meter distance in front of the cyclorama and a lens spread of 40 degrees, the 30 P-5s controlled by MA Lighting created a perfect wash.


Olivio enjoys the creativity that some lighting equipment brings to the table, which allows him to use the fixtures in a new way. “The P-5, with its intensity control, is very efficient as a front reflector in a TV context without ever damaging the quality of the image”, Olivio says while explaining that many other attempts to do the same with LED lights have resulted in colour stains on the skin of the performers in front of the camera.